Tuesday, October 21, 2008

So Much for Sarah Six-Pack

Some people just have a talent for saying on thing, and then doing the exact opposite. Individuals like this can abhor and screech at something, and then do the same thing themselves and pretend they are not enormous hypocrites. Clearly, Sarah Palin is one such person. From the Politico, and soon to be all over the news (hopefully):

The Republican National Committee appears to have spent more than $150,000 to clothe and accessorize vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and her family since her surprise pick by John McCain in late August.

According to financial disclosure records, the accessorizing began in early September and included bills from Saks Fifth Avenue in St. Louis and New York for a combined $49,425.74.

The records also document a couple of big-time shopping trips to Neiman Marcus in Minneapolis, including one $75,062.63 spree in early September.

The RNC also spent $4,716.49 on hair and makeup through September after reporting no such costs in August.


A review of similar records for the campaign of Democrat Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee turned up no similar spending.

Can someone explain to me how this isn't a double standard? After all, Palin has spent most of her candidacy bashing Democratic elitism and the Dems' inability to connect with and care about Joe Sixpack in the same way she can. You know, through hockey moms across America. Was $150,000 in clothes and hair-dos really necessary? $5,000 for make-up? Really?

You know, I won't even play up the angle that the GOP is showing insensitivity and frivilousness in a time when many Americans can't pay their basic bills. That's a foolish argument. If you sifted through all of the Obama campaign's receipts, you would find astonishing expenditures and incredible waste for uniminaginable stuff. This applies to both campaigns.

The bigger point is what a phony Sarah Palin is. It is almost as though as highlighted detail of her political existence and message is the exact opposite of the truth.

*She claims she is a reformer, but we've seen the Trooopergate report.

*She attacks Obama for a lack of experience, but she may be the most unqualified and inexperienced major-party nominee in history.

*She claims the media is muzzling her, but she has refused to hold a single real press conference with live media.

She is so artificial, so nakedly transparent, that she has almost been manufactured by the Republican Party. And in a way, she has been. How she can get up on stage and cheerfully spew the nonsense she has about Obama's elitism while with this type of story is out there is beyond me. Maybe this is why I can never run for office: because I am a bad liar, and I have a hard time being shamelessly hypocritical.

Again, I give David Axelrod enormous credit. While foolishly my first instinct was to rip Palin to shreds on the million and one things there were that indict her, he and Obama stayed calm, realizing Palin's own record and behavior would ultimately expose her and sink her. The strategy has worked perfectly.

Joe Sixpack, my foot.

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