Wednesday, October 22, 2008

McCain Attacks Conservatives Critical of Palin

Just as we discussed Sarah Palin's sinking popularity even with stalwart Republicans, John McCain was on the Imus in the Morning radio program this morning assailing conservatives who have been criticizing Sarah Palin recent days and weeks. Some of his comments are real prizes:

John McCain called out fellow Republicans who have questioned running mate Sarah Palin’s credentials Tuesday.

“What’s their problem?” McCain asked during an interview with radio host Don Imus.

“She is a governor, the most popular governor in America,” McCain said. “I think she is the most qualified of any that has run recently for vice president.”

“I’m amazed. I’m amazed. Which is better? Serve 35 years in the United States Senate and say you’ve got to divide Iraq into three different countries, or be governor of a state and a reformer and give people their tax dollars back and bring about reform in the way that your state does business? Which is better?”

Several leading conservatives, including columnists Kathleen Parker of National Review and David Brooks of the New York Times, have questioned McCain’s judgment in selecting Palin.

McCain's reaction here kind of illustrates the unrest among many in the Republican camp about Palin's waning popularity. The huge rally crowds notwithstanding -- and naturally, McCain made a point of this during the Imus interview -- the poll numbers, as well as the unease among key figures in the conservative intelligentsia has to be disconcerting to Team McCain. That McCain is having to defend his running mate from right-center critics is fairly stark.

Not to mention, his remark that Palin is the most qualified recent nominee for Vice President might be the most foolish thing I have heard today; though, to be fair, I have not yet listened to any new comments from Gov. Palin this afternoon.

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