Monday, October 20, 2008

Desperate Measures

Don't say we didn't warn you. With John McCain staring the barrel of a potential Electoral College blowout, his campaign manager Rick Davis recently warned that the GOP campaign could bring back the specter (and spectacle) of Rev. Wright in revenge for Rep. John Lewis' comments about John McCain. Here are Davis' comments, given on a conservative radio show:

"Look, John McCain has told us a long time ago before this campaign ever got started, back in May, I think, that from his perspective, he was not going to have his campaign actively involved in using Jeremiah Wright as a wedge in this campaign. Now since then, I must say, when Congressman Lewis calls John McCain and Sarah Palin and his entire group of supporters, fifty million people strong around this country, that we're all racists and we should be compared to George Wallace and the kind of horrible segregation and evil and horrible politics that was played at that time, you know, that you've got to rethink all these things. And so I think we're in the process of looking at how we're going to close this campaign. We've got 19 days, and we're taking serious all these issues."

This should surprise absolutely no one. In politics, a wounded and desperate campaign is liable to do anything, including shamelessly playing the race card to scare voters. Team McCain has run a ridiculous, unprepared, reckless, mean-spirited and generally negative campaign for much of the general election, and more Rev. Wright would be a mere extension of that behavior. Frankly, I am surprised we haven't seen Rev. Wright's face on commercials already. We thought we would see this, and it was really just a matter of time.

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