Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Day in the Life of Matt Drudge

Wake up. Immediate thought: I have to stay relevant! I have to stay relevant even though the media isn't buying my Republican-slanted narrative this year. What's wrong, I haven't changed my methods?

Scour the wires, check e-mail.

Things to connect Obama with today: socialism, terrorism, voter fraud, Europe, Hollywood, random fights between supporters in every little city and town, and the stock market dip.

Conference call with McCain campaign honchos, RNC big-wigs. Jam session. Decision is made which GOP pieces will be featured today.

Go through the day's polls, cherry-pick the one that has McCain the closest. If Zogby, pick Zogby. If Rasmussen, feature Rasmussen. If Gallup, go with Gallup. Don't worry that one or the other has never been mentioned before -- their results are relevant now! If none of them, improvise by using Internet polls or polls from September and don't mention their age. Feature no other polls which might show people McCain losing by a lot.

Lunch at Joe's Stone Crab.

Back home. Tinker with some headlines. Framing Obama in the elitist light always preferred.

Be sure to have at least two pieces up taking cheap shots at Hollywood (oh, the Bush movie is tanking!), and the newspaper industry (ah, ad revenue and subscriptions are plunging!), particularly the New York Times (even though Drudge Reports uses their stories constantly -- always without attribution) is the daily dish of this and every day.

A story from the Florida wire says that lines are long at polling places, apparently filled with Obama supporters. Thinks 'hmm, maybe we need to post that under the headline "Obama Supporters Forcibly Preventing Floridians From Voting." Why let the facts get in the way of a political hit job?'

Count money.

Spend an hour laughing self to sleep at how those "elitist" media phonies repeatedly buy all of this tripe. After ten years, the racket is still up and humming.

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