Tuesday, November 4, 2008

That's Leadership

Today, Sarah Palin voted in Wasilla, Alaska, before heading down to Arizona to watch the results come in with the McCain clan. On her way out of the polling station, she was asked who she voted for in the tight U.S. Senate race up there. Here's her response:

I am also exercising my right to privacy, and I don’t have to tell anybody who I vote for. Nobody does, and that’s really cool about America also.

Of course she's right, she does not have to tell anyone who she voted for. That's true. It is also true that the Senate contest should not be a hard call for a respected government official. One of the two major candidates in the race has been convicted of seven federal felonies. The other has not. And while the convicted candidate happens to be a member of Palin's party, in my humble opinion, it should not be difficult for her to say who she supported with her vote in the contest.

If you remember, after Stevens was convicted, Palin gave a very ambitguous response to the longtime senator's verdict. Only later did she call for him to give up his seat. I know that this is impossible to prove, and it may strike many of you as the wide-eyed speculation of a Palin-hater, but I have zero doubt whatsoever which candidate Sarah Palin voted for, and it wasn't Mark Begich. Hey, maybe her mind is already on the future, and she is thinking about what we speculated: that Stevens could win, and after he is forced from the Senate, she could take the seat. I am sure the wheels have been spinning in Queen Sarah's head for some time on that one.

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