Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sinking Sarah To Meet Katie Couric

The world is very lucky. Sarah Palin, the object of gushing political lust of evangelicals and starry-eyed conservatives everywhere has apparently agreed to another news interview. Saints be praised. Apparently Palin will meet CBS news anchor Katie Couric for an interview that will be broadcast on September 29 and 30, shortly after the first presidential debate but before the first and only vice presidential debate where Palin will face off against Senator Joe Biden.

One might think that with Palin's steadily tanking numbers, the McCain campaign would rethink its strategy of shielding the Alaska governor from any questions which might blatantly expose what everyone else already knows: that she is frighteningly unqualified, and unable to answer even basic questions about national and world affairs. Not so much.

Yet, Team McCain has no choice. Even neutral observers had to acknowledge that Palin's interview with Charles Gibson, despite being chock full of softballs and silly questions, did not go well for Sarah. While she did her best to spit out the answers her McCain handlers hammered into brain with his usual hockey mom I'm-just-one-you-accent, it was pretty darn clear that her responses were almost entirely superficial. She did lousy, and just barely kept herself from looking like the dilettante that she is.

Besides, given that Palin's favorable ratings have been badly dropping every day for about a week, maybe it isn't such a good idea to get her out in front of prying cameras. Perhaps the more people see of the Alaskan extremist, the more they dislike her.

Yes, I think Team McCain has decided to stick with Plan A, one they learned very well from President Bush: keep sticking Palin exclusively in front of adoring conservatives crowds in places like western Ohio, Colorado Springs, and Lancaster County, Pennslyvania, reading that same innane speech filled with dozens of shameless lies, fabrications, and other whoopers. Indeed, President Bush perfected the art of only talking to his base, and never venturing far. His camp went so far as to remove any unbelievers from Bush rallies or speeches. It seems like this is the direction we are headed with with Queen Sarah.

So it is a win-win for Republicans. They can keep drolling with forelorn love stares at their Alaskan moose goddess, and the McCain campaign can keep covering up for her titanic inadequacies via endless applauses and standing ovations at Palin speeches. Heck, if it worked at the RNCC, why it can't it work straight through November?

Well, if the polls over the last week are indicative of anything, perhaps they are showing that many people will ultimately not be fooled so easily. We can only hope. Whether or not that will come to impact John McCain himself, remains to be seen.

1 comment:

Son of Brock Landers said...

mark - this is mcinnis speaking, you really have to watch it or you'll turn into just another Kos kid. you're better than that. Sarah palin debating Joe Biden is extremely similar to John Edwards in 2004 debating Dick Cheney about foreign policy. neophytes taking on way more qualified people. this will be repeated when obama debates mccain on any foreign policy issue.