Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Politico's Big Day

The people at Politico must have been salivating yesterday. After all, the Blagojevich scandal gives them ample opportunity to try to tarnish Barack Obama and Democrats in order to make a name for their publication. Here are the top headlines this morning on the webpage:

In Scandal, Risks for Obama
Scandal Tests Obama
Blago has been scheming for years
Republicans could win Obama seat
Aide: Axelrod 'misspoke'

And none of this even includes some other great hits from earlier this week, such as the priceless Liberals voice concerns about Obama, the typical Politico-style piece trying to sow discontent among Democrats with Obama.

Upon some further reflection do I think that Politico's editors are biased against Democrats? Probably not, though that label certain applies to some its "news" writers like Jonathan Martin. I really believe that Politico, the new kid on the block in the Capitol Hill news gang, is simply desperate to create a name for itself. As a result, it is willing to basically say anything, and blur the line between news and opinion. I think Politico should reconsider this strategy before more people begin to take it less seriously.

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